Think Tanks - João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil
Acauan Group™ is an online Think Tank, a non-profit group, concerned about the common hurdles and problems in the North and North-East of Brasil and in the "Light Belt Zone" (an in-house concept). Founded in May 2007, we came from different institutions of Brazil like: USP, UFMG, UFPB, UNESP, UFRN, UFES, and worldwide: Universidad de Valparaíso (Chile), Das Institut für Technologie in den Tropen (Germany), Ohio University (US), and King's College London (UK). We are a mix of ideas: business, law, engineering, economics, geography, and so on. 3,278 visits. The North and North-East of Brazil are 53 million people and 370 million acres. Charity and share of Scientific opinion.