Computer Software - Oslo, Oslo, Norway
DataAnalytisk Utvalg is a staff function in the Student Union at BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo (SBIO). We aim to be a professional, educational and social staff function for all students at BI. Our main purpose is to help our members and other students develop their technical skills and knowledge of relevant software. We support the entire Student Union in developing technical solutions for web and IT, and we offer courses that provide great insight into how to apply educational theory to practise.Microsoft Excel has grown to become arguably the most important computer program in workplaces around the world. Whether you are budgeting, organizing client sales lists, or need to plan an office social gathering, Excel is a powerful tool that has become entrenched in business processes worldwide.Data science is a multidisciplinary blend of techniques used when trying to extract insights and information from data. The Data Science group in DataAnalytisk Utvalg exist to equip its members with the knowledge required to thrive in this field.