Sports - San Francisco City and County, California, United States
The rise of the current youth basketball systemcontinues to present a challenge to the properdevelopment of basketball skills, team mentality,and life skills obtained through the participation inSport. The excessive pressure on young athletes tosearch visibility and rankings as early as age 8 iscounter to understanding the game of basketballand the preparation of young people for adulthood.More often than not, athletes are overtlyguided to seek individual glory rather than valuingtheir leadership.Furthermore, today's children and families are facingthe societal challenges of childhood obesity,Cyberbullying and social/political division. Whilebasketball skills development is relevant, the developmentof confidence and resilience have becomemore critical than ever before as a life skill.The Empower ME Academy (EMA) was foundedon the principle of being an effective methodologyto transcend these growing challenges and be apathway into more effective skills developmentEcosystem. EMA is an elite athletic and academictraining environment designed to maximize student-athlete potential within a safe space of supportand inclusion.Players of all genders and income levels are immersedin a curriculum and support system ofworld-class coaching and mentoring that is centeredaround personal improvement and life lessons.EMA student-athletes are conditioned to actin the interest of the team rather than themselves,as well as understand the importance of characterdevelopment. They gain perspective of valuing theneeds of society and the world around them.
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