Broadcast Media - Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States
The Network is the connective thread that binds South Florida, whether you live here or just love it here, we stand together as ONE community● We are an affiliate/advertiser network that works with the community● As an advertiser affiliate, you can receive credit towards your production costs to enhance youronline marketing and make money while you aren't working● Our affiliate network maximizes local business potential by crosspromoting local businesses and connecting locals and tourists to our businesses as well.● We share information, events, experiences, and news relevant to our community● By joining the Community you are becoming a part of something biggerthan all of us. You are supporting MORE Beach Clean-Ups, MORE LIVE Sunrises andSunsets, MORE Live Coverage of charity and local events, MORE Sales for Local South Florida Businesses, andMORE Wealth and Work Opportunities for South Florida Residents.-Get your business broadcast across over 50 channels and to over 4 million people worldwide.-Earn extra money by helping crosspromote other businesses*-Receive Tickets and Backstage Passes to some of the hottest events of the yearAll for between $1-$20 a day! Call (954)397-1194 to find out more!