Internet - Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India is a website for unique, handmade, stylish products. This venture was born out of my obsession with digging out beautiful, handcrafted things at bargain prices. Like the fabled piper, I leave each new place I visit with a trail of such goodies following me. One day I decided to share this passion with the rest of the world, and GiftPiper was born. The GiftPiper team has travelled to the remotest corners and worked very hard to unearth these gems. They all have some qualities in common- they are hand made, unique, stylish and great value for money. Nothing is run of the mill over here- even the greeting cards are all hand painted, some by state awarded craftsmen, others by upcoming child artists. Each product has a rich history behind it, along with the hard work and deft hands of the artisan who makes it, but rarely gets enough credit for his/her toil. We've tried to capture little nuggets of these stories, so that you can appreciate these products even better.