Management Consulting - Lakewood, OH, US
Business & Technology Strategist, Writer, Media & Website Producer/Director
ITM (China) Ltd. (aka ITM Group and International Techno Marketing), a Hong Kong registered company founded in 1984, and ITM (US) Ltd., an ITM (China) Ltd. subsidiary, founded in Cleveland, Ohio in 1999, each maintain four wholly-owned, mutually complementary specialist operations: the ITM Communications, Trading, and Capital Fund Divisions, and the newly established Consumer Product Division. The four mutually complementary Divisions are composed of a comprehensive global network of ITM Associates with an established record for successful cultural exchange by implementation of modern consumer and media based public relations, marketing, broadcast, entertainment, and distance learning (educational) programs; communication and manufacturing technology transfer; product sourcing; trade development, logistics, and implementation; consumer product manufacturing, licensing and distribution; traditional and eCommerce sales and marketing; and all related international banking compliance, research, and financial engineering requirements. The model enables the ITM Group to accomplish business endeavors of virtually any scale, maximizing efficiencies for its international clients and partners, and complements ITM Group initiatives to develop proprietary projects that contribute to the economic, educational, and humanitarian development of nations throughout the world.