Civic & Social Organization - Eugene, Oregon, United States
The Oregon Folklife Network is proud to continue documenting, sustaining, and promoting Oregon's diverse folklife, including its historic and contemporary cultural heritage. We provide wide access to folk arts and their intrinsic and extrinsic benefits through investing in traditional artists and cultures and advancing accessible learning opportunities for all Oregonians. The OFN is administered at the University of Oregon by the Folklore Program and the Arts and Administration Program in cooperation with the Knight Library. Support for the OFN has also been received from The Office of the Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies, The College of Arts and Sciences, The Office of the Senior Vice-President and Provost, and The Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity at the University of Oregon. The OFN also receives generous support from the Oregon Cultural Trust and the Oregon Arts Commission. The mission of the Oregon Folklife Network is to make a meaningful difference in Oregon communities and Tribes by documenting, supporting, and celebrating our diverse cultural traditions and by empowering our tradition-bearers.