Education Management - , ,
SkyKpaar is an Experiential Learning Provider Organisation with a key focus on Career Orientation.\\We provide Life Transforming, authentic Educational experiences to school students which aid their Inner & Outer Visibility, develop multiple intelligences and hence, ensure their Holistic Development.\\We believe that the future of education would be highly individualized (catering to specific desires) and highly collective (networked, peer-based, socially relevant). All our programs are a clear reflection of this.\\Our Team is highly committed to create memorable moments for students, moments which have the capacity to change the course of their lives by inspiring them and making them better individuals.\\We envision a world where there would be no boundaries between ‘school', ‘work' and ‘life.' Skilful people, from accountants to scientists to artisans, would have a steady stream of apprentices and learning would be happening at all places making it a ‘child friendly' world.\\skyKpaar is synonymous to Experience, Exposure, Awareness, Opportunities and Empowerment. We bring to a student the best practices and methods to facilitate his journey of self-discovery. \\‘School' means 'creative leisure', so lets work together to restore that meaning !!
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