Primary/secondary Education - Southington, Connecticut, United States
Southington High School students construct knowledge and grow from challenges by asking questions, exploring ideas, conducting investigations, producing work, and evaluating results. Students make deliberate choices in their effort to pursue passions and balance individual interests with the welfare of others to improve quality of life.The Southington High School student:1. Applies prior and current knowledge to address new and existing challenges.2. Accesses, interprets and evaluates information and ideas from a variety of sources.3. Works independently and collaboratively to produce, evaluate, and improve work.4. Communicates effectively based on audience, purpose and form of expression.5. Draws connections/develops conclusions based on information.6. Works cooperatively to promote a positive learning environment.7. Demonstrates and understands the role of a responsible citizen.The current Southington High School opened for students in 1974. In 1988 the Art Wing was added and the freshman wing was ready in 1994. Our Agricultural Science department had a new building built in 2007.Southington High School offers a hierarchical system with classes designed to suit student ability level. These courses are college prep (CP), competitive college prep (CCP), and honors-level (H) classes. Southington High School also offers a number of Advanced Placement courses as well as for-credit foreign language courses through the University of Connecticut's Early College Experience program.Faculty members are responsible for suggesting the most appropriate level of courses to individual students; however, students are allowed to enroll in courses of any difficulty level with the written permission of their parents and an individual meeting with the student's guidance counselor.