Information Technology and Services - , ,
Unique Automation has two main strands to its operations:* Bathroom Automation - the world's first luxury bathroom automation company. Our Research and Development is focused on water control, waterproof interfaces and TVs and integration of plumbing and media devices into building management and other systems using modern communication methods.The company leads the industry with innovative know-how, many patented, implemented in its own product lines and available for licensing.Combining luxury and responsible use of resources to create a series of products desired by most and needed by all.bathomatic® – the world's first and only fully automated bath management system. At the touch of a button bathomatic closes the drain, fills the bath to an exact temperature and depth, adding perfumes and bubbles. It maintains the water temperature for the duration of bathing or while waiting. Apart from selecting values for all bath parameters, bathomatic can remember nine favourite combinations of temperature, depth and aromas or store a preset for each member of the family. It is suitable for new and retro installations, including whirlpools, without drilling or invasive alterations.bathomatic® TO Guard® – www.toguard.mebathovision® – www.bathovision.tviShower® –* Technology Services - Technology support services to SME's in the London Area see
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