Marketing & Advertising - Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
YAEZ is the digital agency of the next generation. We are focusing on our main objectives branded education and employer branding for companies and public institutions. For them, we offer innovative communication solutions that inspire talents. Doing so, we work in an interdisciplinary way – our teams including content, design, video, education, live, digital and media.YAEZ is a next-generation agency with offices in Stuttgart and Berlin. www.yaez.comLEGAL NOTICE:Information provided according to Sec. 5 German Telemedia Act (TMG):YAEZ GmbHKornbergstr. 4470176 StuttgartRepresented by:YAEZ GmbH, vertreten durch Janos Burghardt, Simon Keller, Michael Hartung.Contact:Telephone: +49 (0) 711 997983-0Telefax: +49 (0) 711 997983-22E-Mail: info@yaez.comWeb: www.yaez.comRegister entry:Entry in the Handelsregister. Registering court:Amtsgericht Stuttgart Registration number: 729261VAT:VAT Id number according to Sec. 27 a German Value Added Tax Act:DE264108438Responsible for contents acc. to Sec. 55, para. 2 German Federal Broadcasting Agreement (RstV):YAEZ GmbHJanos BurghardtKornbergstr. 4470176 Stuttgart
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