DrMHope specializes in medical software development and consulting.It is a software as a service company,which distributes business software on a subscription basis and best known for hospital management application.It is a Complete Electronic Health Record that is tested and certified under the ONC HIT Certification Program to 2014 Edition certification criteria, maintained by The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), USA. The certification is necessary for availing meaningful use incentives by hospitals. It is designed to integrate the different information systems into one single efficient system. Solves the problems inherent in a network of multiple programs that are not compatible. It can integrate almost any type of services, systems, departments, clinic, processes, data, communication, etc. that exist in a hospital. It is modular and highly scalable.DrMHope is an innovative software. It won the best innovation award at the health care expansion India summit which was held in Mumbai in june 2010. It is a quality based business system which was launched in june 2010 having more than 100 prospects overall India.Today, DrMHope is the most demanded application in the market because of it's unique features.DrMHope is a subsidiary of Hope hospitals wholly owned by Dr B K Murali who is into health care business since 5 years. Hope hospital is one of the best hospitals in the state, established in Aug 2005 and since then the group has set a benchmark in the healthcare. Promoter: Dr B K Murali- Managing Director of Dr M Hope. He is an Orthopedic surgeon specialist in joint replacement and spine surgery having strong leadership skills combined with excellent vision and a sense of purpose.He is pioneer in setting up web-based hospital business systems to market hospitals in India to International patients, positioning India as a global healthcare destination.