Corrib Theatre's mission is to bring Irish playwrights' unique perspective on oppression and empowerment, and conflict and resolution, to Portland in order to change our world for the better.Corrib Theatre engages, inspires, entertains, and challenges audiences with theatrical productions dealing with universal issues filtered through the Irish experience.We celebrate Ireland's dramatic transformation in the recent decades of the 21st century and its emergence as a world leader in social and progressive arenas.We foster a diverse theatre community in our artists and patrons, including the LGBTQ, Deaf, disability, immigrant, incarcerated, and formerly incarcerated communities, and celebrate the essential power of the theatre to illuminate our common humanity.We draw on Ireland's history of colonialism, genocide, famine, and immigration and its post-independence systems of oppression, inequality, and misogyny, and through dramatic presentations spark recognition, raise awareness, and create discussion which can lead to action and change.