Kirshenbaum Law Associates of Rhode Island is a preeminent family law and personal injury law firm. For nearly 50 years, our firm has been helping clients conquer their legal dilemmas through strong representation and skilled trial advocacy. Each Rhode Island divorce lawyer at our firm understands that when you are facing a divorce, custody dispute or personal injury, you need an attorney who will fight to protect your interests. We never hesitate to provide the powerful support you need to obtain successful results. Call 401-467-5300.Practice Areas:DivorceProperty settlements & alimonyBusiness valuationDivision of assetsChild supportCustodyVisitationModificationsInterstate relocation casesPrenuptial agreementsPaternity & adoptionSame-sex divorceDomestic violence & restraining ordersPersonal injury/slip-and-fall casesMotor vehicle accidentsAuto accidents