Amanda Ontjes

High School Math Teacher at Achievement House Cs - Exton, PA, US

Amanda Ontjes's Contact Details
Achievement House Cs
Amanda Ontjes's Company Details
Achievement House Cs logo, Achievement House Cs contact details

Achievement House Cs

Exton, PA, US • 100 - 249 Employees

Achievement House Cyber Charter School (AHCCS) is proud to be an independent, tuition-free, public online school serving Pennsylvania students in grades 7-12. Each student receives a computer, printer, learning materials, and Internet reimbursement – all at no cost. Innovative technology enables Achievement House teachers to provide a personalized curriculum through engaging, live virtual classes and interactive online assignments. Mentors, guidance counselors, special education teachers and ELL specialists support student learning, which can take place in the safety of their home, at one of our Resource Centers, or anywhere an Internet connection is available. Students build a firm education foundation, develop digital proficiency, and learn to think critically and solve problems so they are ready to succeed in our technology-driven world.

Education College/University Colleges and Universities Primary/Secondary Education K-12 Education
Details about Achievement House Cs
Frequently Asked Questions about Amanda Ontjes
Amanda Ontjes currently works for Achievement House Cyber Charter School.
Amanda Ontjes's role at Achievement House Cyber Charter School is High School Math Teacher.
Amanda Ontjes's email address is *** To view Amanda Ontjes's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Amanda Ontjes works in the Primary/Secondary Education industry.
Amanda Ontjes's colleagues at Achievement House Cs are Brenda Russell-diaz, Morris Hendricks, Katherine Bonesteel, Sully Silva, Brooke McDermott, Kelsey Montgomery, Karen DiMascola and others.
Amanda Ontjes's phone number is 484-615-6200
See more information about Amanda Ontjes