Casa Boricua is a 501(c)(3) non-profit community-based direct service, training and advocacy organization. Our mission is to improve the education, health and social well- being of the Puerto Rican/Latino population in the Greater Meriden Area. Casa's vision is to serve as a voice for disadvantaged members of this community, while empowering them to be their own voice. To this end, we address clients' educational, literacy, wellness and social support needs, helping them to become economically self-sufficient and culturally competent. This was the vision of our founders, in 1978, when they incorporated Casa Boricua in response to the area's need to bridge gaps in existing social services. Today, we are still the only organization that provides direct services to the Latino community in Greater Meriden. Our services: *Case management, document translation and interpretation, referrals and basic information with the goal of helping our clients achieve economic, linguistic and personal self-sufficiency. *Benefit coordination for State or Federal aid programs, e.g. Fuel Assistance, Housing Assistance, SNAP, Medicare, Social Security benefits. *Access to education and training services to enhance daily living skills, e.g. English as a Second Language, GED, vocational training. *Employment resources in our onsite Computer Lab: résumé building, job seeking, referral to community resources and posted jobs, online credential acquisition. *Referrals to providers of health and legal services, including translation; and to agencies equipped to serve undocumented clients.