In the last two decades, Cancer-related deaths in Armenia have risen by about 70%. This steep incline is in large part due to a scarcity of well-equipped medical center, and properly trained physicians. The problem is further exacerbated by limited access to diagnostic technology, low government spending, and high out-of-pocket treatment costs. Currently, primary funding for healthcare is through out-of-pocket payments (57%). Whereas government spending on health care is 1.9% of the country GDP. For 30% of Armenia's population living below the poverty line on 2USD a day, cancer treatment is unattainable, and death is inevitable. Our goal is to equip Armenia with modern diagnostic and treatment capabilities and provide access to affordable medication and treatment solutions in an integrated Armenian Cancer Center (ACC). Furthermore, Meduni will work with government leaders to establish more robust regulations and standards of care, while simultaneously providing continuing education for all providers, both in the capital of Armenia and in rural areas. Finally, we will create early detection initiatives that incentivize regular medical check-ups and prevent late-stage fatal diagnoses.