HHT Canada THH is a charity that is committed to supporting individuals and families affected by hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT). HHT is a rare genetic disease (1 in 5000 people globally) that causes blood vessel abnormalities. Typically HHT patients endure recurrent and spontaneous nose bleeds that can severely impact daily life. It has been estimated that 90% of people with HHT are undiagnosed. There is no cure, and effective treatments are limited. By raising funds for HHT research and healthcare we aim to become a hub for HHT awareness and education across Canada. An entire community of patients, their families, and friends benefit from increased HHT awareness and availability of care. Consider donating @ http://hhtcanada.com/donate/ to help those affected by HHT all around Canada!Please find our Facebook page at:https://www.facebook.com/HHTCanadaPlease find our YouTube page at:bit.ly/hhtyoutube