software developer at Cambridge Enterprise & Technology Club
The Cambridge Enterprise & Technology Club (formerly the Cambridge Europe & Technology Club) provides a networking forum for business people, academics, technologists and service providers, together with a unique opportunity to learn about cutting edge technologies. The Club was founded as part of a Department of Trade & Industry initiative in the 1980's to improve business skills. The Club's meetings usually take the form of evening seminars, preceded by a buffet. A highlight of the Club's year is the annual Garden Party, which is held in the beautiful surroundings of Jesus College . Although the Club has a formal structure and programme of events, we strive for an informal atmosphere that allows members and guests to meet and talk with one another. We hold monthly meetings on a range of topics, with an emphasis on subjects relevant to local businesses. There is a focus on new technologies and their applications. Many of our members have experience in companies that have grown rapidly by developing new products and by expanding into new markets, so there is plenty of knowledge to share. We usually invite at least two expert speakers to make presentations at each seminar and a notable feature of the Club is the ensuing Question & Answer session. As a result there is ample opportunity for discussion and members are able to learn from each other's experiences as well as from the experts. The Club is a not-for-profit organisation, with no political affiliation. We are governed by a written constitution and managed by an elected committee of the members. We are very fortunate to be given generous financial support by NatWest. We also receive valuable sponsorship from Webtec Products Ltd, TWI (the commercial operating arm of The Welding Institute) and St John's Innovation Centre.