Azar M

Frontend Web Developer at Quintessential (Quin) Design - Plymouth, MN, US

Azar M's Contact Details
Quintessential (Quin) Design
Azar M's Company Details
Quintessential (Quin) Design logo, Quintessential (Quin) Design contact details

Quintessential (Quin) Design

Plymouth, MN, US • 5 - 9 Employees
Architecture Firm/Engineering Firm

Quintessential Design is the creator of Quin Design Helmets and Technology.Quintessential Design, is an innovations lab with a strong mission to change the way consumers think about normal safety standards, and provide game changing safety solutions. Quintessential Design endeavors to create a better world through essential innovations in response to real problems.Quin was established in 2017 by a diverse team whose backgrounds include award-winning industrial design, women's safety advocacy, patent law, and more.

Details about Quintessential (Quin) Design
Frequently Asked Questions about Azar M
Azar M currently works for Quin (Quintessential Design).
Azar M's role at Quin (Quintessential Design) is Frontend Web Developer.
Azar M's email address is *** To view Azar M's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Azar M works in the Information Technology & Services industry.
Azar M's colleagues at Quintessential (Quin) Design are Tim Calhoun, Michael Moore, Nitin Reddy, Viswanath Sarey, Conrad Lewis, Devesh Kumar and others.
Azar M's phone number is N/A
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