Facilities Engineering Supervisor at Middle Tennessee Medical Center - Murfreesboro, TN, US
In 2002, Saint Thomas Hospital acquired the assets of Baptist Hospital in Nashville, DeKalb Hospital in Smithville, Hickman Community Hospital in Centerville and the remaining 50% ownership of Middle Tennessee Medical Center, Murfreesboro, to preserve the Catholic healthcare ministry in Middle Tennessee. The geographic environment is rich in for-profit healthcare, but the need exists to serve those challenged by poverty. All the hospitals acquired were faith-based and compatible with the mission and values of Ascension.Our Mission: Rooted in the loving ministry of Jesus as healer, we commit ourselves to serving all persons with special attention to those who are poor and vulnerable. Our Catholic health ministry is dedicated to spiritually centered, holistic care which sustains and improves the health of individuals and communities. We are advocates for a compassionate and just society through our actions and our words.