Belinda Wiggins

CNA at Total Health Care - Detroit, MI, US

Belinda Wiggins's Contact Details
Yazoo City,Mississippi,39194,United States
Total Health Care
Belinda Wiggins's Company Details
Total Health Care logo, Total Health Care contact details

Total Health Care

Detroit, MI, US • 100 - 249 Employees

Total Health Care, Inc., a fully licensed and federally qualified managed care organization, was founded and incorporated as a non-profit corporation on July 16, 1973 and is the oldest HMO in southeastern Michigan. It was first incorporated as Model Neighborhood Total Health Care (MNTHC), part of the federally subsidized model neighborhood programs of then President Lyndon B. Johnson. The organization had a strong community orientation and was located strategically within the City of Detroit at a major hospital center.In November 1982, the organization was reincorporated under the name Total Health Care, Inc. and functioned as a staff model HMO whose delivery system consisted of three health centers, six associated hospitals, and several related referral facilities. To ensure the ability to expand the market outside the Detroit city limits, Total Health Care expanded its service area in mid-1981 to include all of Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb counties, as well as portions of Monroe County. THC evolved to a mixed model HMO (staff/IPA) for a period of time, but assumed a strictly network IPA model in 1984.

Finance Food & Beverages Healthcare Insurance Pharmaceuticals Insurance Agents Brokers and Service
Details about Total Health Care
Frequently Asked Questions about Belinda Wiggins
Belinda Wiggins currently works for Total Health Care.
Belinda Wiggins's role at Total Health Care is CNA.
Belinda Wiggins's email address is *** To view Belinda Wiggins's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Belinda Wiggins works in the Insurance industry.
Belinda Wiggins's colleagues at Total Health Care are Wanda Anderson, Mona Fleurimond, Daniel Lennon, Maria Reyes, Natallie Gates, Sam Shamshon, Sherrie Riddiough and others.
Belinda Wiggins's phone number is 313-871-2000
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