Captain starlight at Starlight Children's Foundation Australia - Crows Nest, New South, AU
Starlight Children's Foundation brightens the lives of children, young people and their families when their lives are turned upside down by serious illness and hospitalisation. Over 420,000 Starlight experiences are created every year, helping to support the wellbeing of the whole family as they confront the reality of serious illness.\\From a single wish granted in 1988, Starlight is now recognised as an integral part of the Australian healthcare system.\\That's because we know there's more to treatment than medicine.\\Our unique programs are developed in partnership with Australian health professionals, and are the result of extensive and ongoing research. They're based on positive psychology principles, supporting the "total care" of children and young people.\\We positively disrupt the relentless cycle of pain and trauma and offer a welcome break to families when they need it most.\\That's the difference Starlight makes.