Bert Jones

Stadium manager at Mesquite Independent School District - Mesquite, TX, US

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Mesquite Independent School District
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Mesquite Independent School District logo, Mesquite Independent School District contact details

Mesquite Independent School District

Mesquite, TX, US • 1000 - 4999 Employees

Each school day, the Mesquite ISD welcomes more than 38,000 students through the doors of its 51 campuses, including 33 elementary schools, nine middle schools, five high comprehensive schools, Vanguard High School and the Mesquite Academy.Our MissionThe mission of the Mesquite Independent School District is to educate all students and empower them to expand their opportunities.Our VisionQuest for Excellence - Success for All StudentsAbout UsWe believe that by challenging students with high expectations and a rigorous curriculum, they will excel.We believe in cultivating our students' talent and drive through involvement in extracurricular programs and opportunities. We believe in never giving up on a single student. 39,000 students 46 campuses TEA Recognized District Location:Mesquite ISD encompasses an area of approximately 60 square miles along either side of I-635 in east Dallas County. It draws from the communities of Mesquite, Garland, and Balch Springs as well as areas of Dallas.New to MesquiteStudent Ethnicity: 49.65% Hispanic 24.60% African American 20.81% Anglo/White 2.82% Asian/Pacific Islander/American Indian 2.11% Multi-ethnicFiscal Responsibility: FITCH IBCA bond rating....................................AA+ Standard & Poor's bond rating..........................AA Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas.........Superior Financial Allocation Study for Texas...................Five Stars

Education Schools Administration of Educational Programs Education Management Preschool Child Care
Details about Mesquite Independent School District
Frequently Asked Questions about Bert Jones
Bert Jones currently works for Mesquite Independent School District.
Bert Jones's role at Mesquite Independent School District is Stadium manager.
Bert Jones's email address is *** To view Bert Jones's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Bert Jones works in the Education Management industry.
Bert Jones's colleagues at Mesquite Independent School District are Jennifer Works, Glenda Spears, QuMeuna Hawkins, Pat Baker, Lyndah Drum, Debra Euler, David McMahan and others.
Bert Jones's phone number is 972-288-6411
See more information about Bert Jones