Hello InfoSec Community, BlackPerl is here to help you AMPLIFY your CYBER SECURITY knowledge.It's not JUST about general knowledge, but we'll go and deep dive in some areas for INCIDENT RESPONSE, DIGITAL FORENSICS Fundamental Ideas, Process overview, and how someone can really get deeper ideas around them. We'll try to discuss our real world experience around DFIR to help you to improve our skills. Since KNOWLEDGE grows by sharing, our whole intention is to share our real life experiences while we're working on different INFOSEC fields to help all to get in depth. Sounding up your alley? -About-We are a bunch of CYBER SECURITY PROFESSIONAL who work in fields to tackle DFIR out there. Our key area of work is- INCIDENT RESPONSE, MALWARE ANALYSIS, FORENSICS ACQUISITION, MEMORY ANALYSIS, THREAT HUNT, various tools and technologies around them.