High Performance Materials (Specialty Chemicals & Polymers) NuGeneration Technologies, "NuGenTec®" Develops and Manufactures Specialty Chemical Products for process manufacturers in the areas of Media Storage, Heads, Wafers, Semiconductors, Photovoltaic Cells (Solar Cells), Precision Optics, Printed Circuit Boards, Metal Working (machining), Metal Forming, Metal/Parts Cleaning, Iron and Zinc Phosphate Conversion Coatings, Food and Food Processing Industries, Bottled Water, Federal, State and local government agencies, and most other manufacturing facilities. In addition to our many proven products, we specialize in working closely with our customers to develop custom products to meet your specific requirements. Improving your process through the use of custom formulated products will limit the need for costly equipment upgrades. Product development, "Private Labeling, Formulation development, and MSDS Authoring are among some of the many extra services we offer.