The NPA Baseball program was established in 2008 by former professional ball player Aaron Trolia. His vision was to provide instruction based on his personal experience and emphasize truly fundamental principles of the game of baseball to youth in the area who crave an authentic, fulfilling baseball experience. The NPA Softball program was established in 2012 by former UW softball player Taylor Smith. Her vision was to provide instruction based on her personal experience and emphasize truly fundamental principles of the game of softball to youth in the area who crave an authentic, fulfilling softball experience. Upon accepting a coaching job with Boise State, she passed on her role to fellow UW Alum/Husky Standout Catcher, Shawna Wright. Shawna continues to train the NPA softball teams (Futures, Panthers, Royals) while she also travels with her team the GBG SunDodgers. While facility and cage rentals are available, Northwest Prospects Academy prides itself on emphasizing off season training programs, staffing knowledgeable and experienced professional trainers, providing a fearless environment and teaching you important leadership skills that will serve them on and off the field. The age-range of our clientĨle is from 4-years old to current college athletes. For these reasons and our facility amenities, we believe we are the premier instructional facility in the greater Tacoma/Seattle area. Our Facility is 10,000 square feet, free span area (no poles) with a 20-foot ceiling. We have the ability to open the facility to a full 100 feet by 100 feet. We also have 6 full-pull out batting cages that are 70x12 feet and 16 feet high. NPA's facility is the perfect location for our instruction, programs, and clinics.