Burak Senol

İş Analisti at CODEX - Bhubaneshwar, Odisha, India

Burak Senol's Contact Details
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Bhubaneshwar, Odisha, India • 35 Employees
Information Technology & Services

Codex Club is about fun, creativity and learning through exploring. It's important that the coders enjoy their time at our Club and that it doesn't feel like another school lesson. They should understand that they're in charge of the computer, and can (and should) make it do what they want, not the other way around.Other benefits of our Club, such as learning about computational thinking, or developing expertise in coding, are secondary to these two objectives. Having said that, coders will absorb all these wonderful skills as they work through the projects rather than through didactic teaching.#WE CODE WE EXPLORE

Details about CODEX
Frequently Asked Questions about Burak Senol
Burak Senol currently works for CODEX.
Burak Senol's role at CODEX is İş Analisti.
Burak Senol's email address is ***@codex.com.tr. To view Burak Senol's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Burak Senol works in the Information Technology & Services industry.
Burak Senol's colleagues at CODEX are Amrit Nayak, Burak Cakir, Juan Villicana, Sohel Habib, Marcela Hernandez, Om Mohanty, Aman Agrawal and others.
Burak Senol's phone number is
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