CONTACT Cape-Atlantic provides Telephone Reassurance and Gatekeeper TrainingThe Telephone Reassurance Program provides daily telephone calls to older adults and people with disabilities living alone in Atlantic and Cape May counties. The calls provide a friendly hello and a check to make sure all is well with our client. The program goal is to help this vulnerable population to continue their independent living. More than 200 clients are served every day. The Gatekeeper Training Program trains individuals in the community to recognize the signs that a resident who lives alone could use some help. Training has been provided to cable company employees, public utility employees, bank tellers, delivery company employees, and others who have daily contact with local residents. Anyone can be a gatekeeper. Just let us know of the person in need. We are able to connect clients with other needed in-home services to help them continue living safely at home. The Gatekeeper Program helps individuals in the community learn to listen, observe and care for those adults living alone that may need help.