Customer Service Specialist at Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation (MGCC) - Boston, Massachusetts, United States
MGCC is a quasi-public agency of the Commonwealth established in 2010 to provide financial services and managerial assistance that saves and creates jobs at small businesses, women, minority, immigrant, and veteran-owned businesses in Massachusetts. MGCC promotes economic development throughout the Commonwealth, focusing on Gateway Cities and low to moderate-income, underserved communities. The Agency works with traditional financial institutions to make challenging loans bankable, working with community development corporations and other non-profits to provide financing for job-producing projects, and assisting a wide range of small businesses find the growth capital they require. Since inception, MGCC has served over 350 small businesses, positively impacted more than 12,500 jobs with customized working capital financing commitments totaling over $120,000,000. For more information, visit the MGCC website at and follow us on Twitter @MassGCC