3a Services is a team of dynamic people with experience ranging from 3 to 23 years. The exposure has been in various sectors such as Manufacturing (Electronics, Electrical, Fabrication etc), Education, IT (Hardware and Software providers), Agro Industries, Retail and Distribution, FM CG to name a few.We, at 3a Services work on a different philosophy to augment your business with creative and innovative solutions. Our process starts with a problem you are currently facing or an objective you want fulfilled or an opportunity you want to grab etc. We then do a creative brainstorming involving your representatives, carry out research at our end and come up with possible options of attaining desired results. We have our own 4 business divisions for implementation of the solution and all or the required divisions take care of the implementation and evaluation. This evaluation is then analyzed by 3a Services and presented to you in a meaningful manner thus enhancing the effectiveness of your business decisions. Our core competency lies in helping you to turn around disadvantageous situations into opportunities, sometimes even using your weakness as strength in the market.