Dr. Watson is an independent medical service, where our doctors scrutinise evidence provided in injury claims, questioning their validity. In doing so, we provide objective, clinical advice to significantly reduce settlement values and costs of unmerited insurance claims.We Review The Medical Evidence of a Claim:-You will have seen flawed and questionable evidence in an injury claim. Normally, you can't argue with this and it will lead to another expensive and unnecessary settlement. That's where Dr. Watson comes in. We have a team of in-house doctors who independently review and clinically challenge the medical evidence and validity on any claim. This evidence provides Case Handlers with a strategy to challenge the claim. In doing so, we significantly reduce the cost of claims and empower Case Handlers with clinical evidence.We Reduce Settlement Costs by an Average of 40%:-With Dr. Watson on your side, you avoid exaggerated clinical evidence and opinions from experts who may not be appropriately qualified. These experts can often exaggerate symptoms that are associated with pre-existing injuries.Through our service, we have provided medical clarity, early settlement and reduced settlement costs on hundreds of claims. Overall, we save our clients time and money every time.We provide a number of strategies to our clients in our simple 3 step process with proven cost-cutting results.STEP 1 - SEND US THE CASEFrom here, we look at the claim and evidence to provide you with a free, no obligation, Medical Review.STEP 2 - OUR DOCTORS ARE ON THE CASEIf the evidence is unreliable and we have recommended we can help, upon your authorisation, we produce a formal Case Report.STEP 3 - THE END PRODUCTWe provide you with a thorough Case Report and Draft Settlement Letter that details precise and clinical wording for you to use and adapt as you see fit.From here, our work is done and your settlement costs are significantly reduced by on average 40%.