Upstream Australia is a ‘change agency' designed to support place-based collective impact system reform for how vulnerable young people and their families are supported, and a ‘collective impact backbone support platform' to support the development and operations of the ‘Community of Schools and Services' (COSS) collectives implementing the COSS Model and local system reform. Upstream Australia also undertakes research and development (R&D) on social and educational outcomes and disadvantage, with particular focus on youth homelessness and early school leaving, and housing and homelessness system reform. Our Vision and MissionWe are dedicated to improving the social and educational outcomes for young people, including the prevention and early intervention of youth homelessness, improving the educational and employment outcomes and transitions for young people, whilst also advocating for better housing options, including social and affordable housing and post-homelessness rapid rehousing, for young people.The vision of Upstream Australia is for widespread systemic reform to the current crisis-oriented system which is not working for vulnerable young people and their families. Our vision is to reform and reorganise the current system of crisis-orientated services and schools and other educational programs around a place-based collective impact perspective to significantly improve the social and educational outcomes for disadvantaged and vulnerable young people.