Kavango Resources plc is a United Kingdom-based mineral exploration company focused on Botswana. The Company's projects are divided into the Northwestern Botswana project and the Kalahari Suture Zone project (KSZ). Its early-stage exploration projects include Kavango Copper Project and KSZ Project. The Kavango Copper Project is located between 15 kilometer (km) and 75 km west of the town of Shakawe in the Shakawe District, Ngamiland Province in northwest Botswana. The Kavango Copper Project consists of three project licenses (PLs) 248/2014, 253/2012 and 302/2014. The KSZ Project is situated in the Kgalagadi District of southwest Botswana, which includes a portion of the Kalahari Desert. The three KCP PLs have a combined surface area of 869 square kilometers; and the 12 PLs of the KSZ Project have a combined surface area of 6, 928.1 square kilometers. Its subsidiaries include Navassa Resources Ltd (Mauritius) and Kavango Minerals (Proprietary) Limited (Botswana).