Arts Market specializes in renting space to artistic entrepreneurs in the Toronto area. We believe strongly in no red tape, no commission, no long term contracts and the freedom to brand your hand-made local business how you see it!Rental fees are economical and have been designed for up-and-coming entrepreneurial artists to get out there without a large overhead. Spaces are $208 plus HST for 4 weeks and there is no commission, no long lease and no hidden cost! We have 3 downtown Toronto locations to choose from, each are open 7 days a week. You're encouraged to curate and design your booth so it's inkeeping with your brand and vibe. You don't need to be onsite to monitor your booth as we have Market Manager's to assist your customers and process your sales - though you're welcome to spend time with us if you wish!We currently house just over 175 local artisans and vintage vendors between the three Markets meaning there's a huge array of products to shop from, and a wealth of artistic experience and community spirit for you to garner from should you be interested in joining Arts Market as a vendor!