Financial Insurance Academy.We are an academy which designs and delivers impactful training events based on robust thinking, sound planning and an obsessive attention to detail. Our area of expertise is on delivering various aspects of financial insurance business.We create events and experiences that will astound you. These range from inter-office discussion and training for small groups to large scale experiential events with an audience of hundreds from various places or countries. From something as simple as focus group discussions on "Trade Credit Insurance" to something as complex as delivering an international seminar covering the "Comprehensive Approach of Supply Chain and Working Capital Finance" We gather experts and cases of Credit, Guarantee, Trade, Insurance, Reinsurance and Information Technology from all over the world to the benefit of the seminar participants.We approach all of our events with the end in mind. As you depart in our meeting lounge, we understand what exactly that you want to experience and gain as a result of having attended. We give you the assurance for your satisfactions, knowledge updates and return on investment, they are at the heart of every aspect of our event. .