Footnote bridges the gap between the academic world and your world. We collaborate with academics to unlock the potential of their research by translating it for a mainstream audience. We create content that's exciting and accessible for anyone who wants to learn.Annually 1.4 million articles are published are in academic journals and $51 billion is spent on research at U.S. universities.As a society, we're producing more knowledge than ever before. Where is it going? How are we using it to shape our world? Our mission is to bring more research, evidence, and data into the public conversation around issues that matter, so we all have a better understanding of our world.To do this, we partner with scholars from top universities. They provide the research and expertise and we help them craft it into content that's engaging and accessible. Then we share it with our readers, so it reaches the educators, journalists, entrepreneurs, policymakers, business and nonprofit leaders, and citizens who can help transform research into action.Want to be part of Footnote's mission to share academic research? Join the conversation by following us on Facebook ( and Twitter ( Learn more about our mission and values by emailing connect (at) and view open positions on our team at