Programme Manager at Lough Erne Landscape Partnership - Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Lough Erne Landscape Partnership will focus on the conservation and promotion of Lough Erne's landscape character and unique heritage. LELP will address ecological issues, reconnect communities with their heritage, bring economic and social benefits, and create links between stakeholders to realise a longer-term goal of the coordinated management of the landscape.Strategic Objectives1. To connect and engage people with their unique landscape by developing skills, improving confidence and providing opportunities to learn, change perceptions and influence its management.2. To improve and protect biodiversity and conserve the built heritage of our unique landscape, and involve communities in its protection, interpretation and conservation.3. To create and improve physical and intellectual access to and around the Lough making it a better place to live, work and visit.4. To engage with communities to generate pride in their unique cultural heritage, to celebrate and be emotionally and physically involved with it.