Emily James

Director of Sales & Marketing at WSLM Legacy House Assisted Living Logan - N/A, , US

Emily James's Contact Details
Stillwater, Oklahoma, United States
WSLM Legacy House Assisted Living Logan
Emily James's Company Details
WSLM Legacy House Assisted Living Logan logo, WSLM Legacy House Assisted Living Logan contact details

WSLM Legacy House Assisted Living Logan

N/A, , US • 100 - 249 Employees

We have been caring for seniors since 1996. At Legacy, we believe that the more our residents can be independent, the healthier they are and the better they feel. No matter what stage of life we're in, maximizing independence, maintaining dignity and having choices are important. Nevertheless, there comes a time when we all can use a helping hand. We recognize those times and provide just the right amount of help to meet those needs.

Healthcare Healthcare Providers Hospital/Clinic Specialty Hospitals Except Psychiatric Hospital & Health Care
Details about WSLM Legacy House Assisted Living Logan
Frequently Asked Questions about Emily James
Emily James currently works for WSLM Legacy House Assisted Living Logan.
Emily James's role at WSLM Legacy House Assisted Living Logan is Director of Sales & Marketing.
Emily James's email address is ***@legacyretire.com. To view Emily James's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Emily James works in the Hospital/Clinic industry.
Emily James's colleagues at WSLM Legacy House Assisted Living Logan are Scott Dalgleish, Meagan Siler, Lin Neff, Hayden Neerings, Don Gomez, Julia Alvarado, Rod Peterson and others.
Emily James's phone number is 801-253-4556
See more information about Emily James