CTO at Koenigafrica ICT ,Smart and Future City Technology - Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa
Koenig Africa is a privately held global company that provides advanced technology systems and professional services to government, enterprise, military, public safety, energy producers, and energy utilities worldwide. With technical expertise from leaders in a broad range of disciplines, Koenig Africa has unparalleled resources and capabilities to bring sophisticated engineering projects to fruition with a minimum of risk, on time, and on budget.Our clients are valuable to us but our staff is biggest assets in our company.What does KoenigAfrica do?Consultancy offerings:Solution architecture for Networks,Telecommunication,Business Applications, Unified Communications,Cloud,Systems Management,Infrastructure,Structured,Cabling and Security and Surveillance.Business ArchitectureEnterprise architecture services.Business architecture servicesBusiness engineering processes servicesAudit and assessmentsNetworkStorage and servers End-piontCloudMobilityProject and portfolio ManagementChange Management and trainingGlobal System Integration Company;Security and SurveillanceGIS and Sensor Data FusionWireless and Satellite NetworksCommand and Control IntegrationEnergy and Water ManagementSecurity and SurveillanceVideo Surveillance and analytics;3-D Surveillance Imaging;Integrated video & thermal imaging, radar, CBRNE detectors, bio-metrics, & software analytics simplify threat assessmentGIS and Sensor Data Fusion Koenig's SCASI® (Smart Control & Autonomous Sensor Intelligence) delivers easy to understand info for real-time Situational AwarenessWireless and Satellite NetworksOptical fiber, mobile wireless, mesh networks, and on-demand satellite data offer cost effective connectivity and emergency continuityCommand and ControlCommand and control functions are performed through an arrangement of personnel, equipment, communications, facilities, and procedures employed by a commander in planning, directing, coordinating, and controlling forces and operations in the accomplishment of the mission.Energy &Water Management Solar electric power arrays reduce cost and vulnerability for remote wireless networks, mobile systems, and border surveillance installations.