Farid Kamaruzaman

Site Tech cum Safety Officer at MAKNA (Majlis Kanser Nasional) - Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

Farid Kamaruzaman's Contact Details
["+603-2162 9178"]
MAKNA (Majlis Kanser Nasional)
Farid Kamaruzaman's Company Details
MAKNA (Majlis Kanser Nasional) logo, MAKNA (Majlis Kanser Nasional) contact details

MAKNA (Majlis Kanser Nasional)

Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India • 51 - 200 Employees
Nonprofit Organization Management

MAKNA (Majlis Kanser Nasional) or National Cancer Council of Malaysia is a not-for-profit social enterprise founded by Dato' Mohd Farid Ariffin. Inspired by his own son's fight and struggles with cancer, MAKNA was established in 1994 and officially launched in 1995.In providing multi-faceted services, MAKNA prides itself as a home grown organisation that continues to play an important part helping cancer patients, regardless of background, race, creed, colour and station. MAKNA is consistently working on improving ways to mobilise its resources effectively for fighting cancer.OUR MISSION : To mobilise resources in order to provide curative, preventive, research and support services to cancer patients and their families, high-risk groups and the general public, in Malaysia and the world.OUR OBJECTIVE : To pool and utilise all efforts, expertise and finance of all sectors of the society to fight cancer and reduce related pain, morbidity and the suffering that cancer patients undergo.SERVICES : Awareness and Education (Malaysia, Vietnam) | Bursary Assistance | Cancer Helpline | Cancer Support Group and Counselling (Malaysia, Vietnam) | Treatment (UKMMC - MAKNA Cancer Centre) | Half Way Home (Johor, Penang, Kelantan) | Home Visits | Hospital Visits (Malaysia, Vietnam) | Prevention (Mobile Mammogram Unit, Malaysia; Breast & Cervical Screening, Vietnam) | Research | Volunteers (Kuala Lumpur, Sibu, Hanoi)

Details about MAKNA (Majlis Kanser Nasional)
Frequently Asked Questions about Farid Kamaruzaman
Farid Kamaruzaman currently works for MAKNA - Majlis Kanser Nasional.
Farid Kamaruzaman's role at MAKNA - Majlis Kanser Nasional is Site Tech cum Safety Officer.
Farid Kamaruzaman's email address is ***@makna.org.my. To view Farid Kamaruzaman's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Farid Kamaruzaman works in the Nonprofit Organization Management industry.
Farid Kamaruzaman's colleagues at MAKNA (Majlis Kanser Nasional) are Imelda Ishak, Muhammad Aizuddin, Muhammad Shafullah, Ravi Varman, Fransiska Meigloria, Ag Omar, Fadzilah Wan and others.
Farid Kamaruzaman's phone number is ["+603-2162 9178"]
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