In 1997, 37 Galician companies dedicated to the manufacture of automotive components, joined forces to create CEAGA. Today, this organization includes more than 116 companies and the PSA Group Centre of Vigo. The CEAGA Foundation is now completing the project by initiating the Action Plan for the Competitive Improvement of the Galician Automotive Sector, PAC 2020 which is designed to drive the sector in its ongoing search for excellence and competitiveness. The Galician Automotive Cluster Foundation promotes high-impact cooperative projects to improve the competitiveness of the Galician automotive industry. At international level, CEAGA was the first automotive cluster in Europe with the Cluster Organization Management Excellence Gold Label. After successfully passing an exhaustive audit consisting in the analysis of 31 management indicators, CEAGA joins the Cluster Excellence Expert Group (CEEG), composed of representatives of cluster organizations also holding this award.