Artist Services, Music Placement, Producer Services, Social Networking & Digital Marketing, PR, Press & Promotion, Music Funding, Tour Arrangement & Management. The complete set of services to ensure an Artist's success.Rather than wading through endless Demo CD's and My Space Links. Simply let us know in a precise brief what you are looking for - and we will search our database of over 25,000 songs in ALL genres from over 1500 talented songwriters, producers, vocalists, bands & artists and select the best 3 for you to consider.We are also able to develop artists and songs from scratch (traditional A&R) to meet your precise requirements - if necessary.If you are just starting out - we have access to a range of songwriters, studio's, musicians, producers, photographers, videographers, PR, Press, Marketing Promotion, Radio pluggers as well as a host of talented creative music and Media staff, consultants and contacts.We put together the right team to work with you to give your songs (and you) the best possible opportunity for success in the Music industry, and develop the Right Brand for You. It's all very simple - we put our knowledge, expertise, time and effort into talent to provide unique and bespoke solutions for the Global Music Business.