Supervisor at | Barcode - , ,
Machinery and Equipment Appraiser
Contact Mohammed Abdulkadir
Responsible For Studies and Market Research Department
Contact Abdulkreem Sheikh
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Contact Bassam Mohamed
Contact Alyaa Abdelhamid
I Machinery & Equipment appraising Section Head
Contact Abdelsalam Abdelsabour
I Branch Manager and Evaluation Engineer
Supervisor, Operations Department
Contact Hawazin Saif
باركود هي شركة متخصصة في تقييم وتثمين الأصولBarcode is a company specializing in the Valuation of assetsمقر الشركة الرياض طريق الامام سعود بن عبدالعزيز بن محمد الفرعي، النزهة التواصل معنا: ٩٢٠٠٠٥٥٦٤