Odatech® produces a comprehensive range of engineered, highly efficient and cost-effective odour control systems specifically designed and developed for odour removal and corrosion prevention for municipal and industrial applications.The OdaVent® biofilter uses an innovative, patented design to biologically oxidise hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The aerobic bacteria (thiobacillus thiooxidans) which live in OdaTech's proprietary biomedia blend break down odorous compounds in the foul gas stream as it flows through the biofilters. Each stage of biofiltration treatment removes 95%+ of hydrogen sulphide, and OdaTech odour control systems are designed to treat 99%+ of hydrogen sulphide in the air stream. All systems are modular and expandable which allows customised systems to be simply configured for different applications, flow rates and removal efficiency expectations.Unlike a traditional open bed biofilters, the fully-enclosed nature of Odatech's system allows the treatment conditions to be carefully controlled to ensure optimal ecological conditions for the long-term survival of the biologically active bacteria in the biomedia. This results in a consistently >99% reduction in hydrogen sulphide levels.The OdaVent's innovative design prevents biomedia compaction, water logging and airflow channelling which together with its specially blended and optimised biomedia extends media life to beyond 3 years. Media replacement is simple and downtime is contained to less than a day.