Our Mission Is to provide meaningful and authentic real-world experiences that create new learning pathways and worldviews for a sustainable future. Our Vision Is that Ākonga/ Learners are connected to themselves, their community and their environment in a way that empowers them to act as kaitiaki and future problem-solvers. Our KaupapaWe don't just teach facts. Instead, we use a psycho-cultural approach that is grounded in nature. We purposefully slow our ākonga down to give them a deep connection with the whenua. We offer educational opportunities for all learners, all ages. Each day involves a combination of free exploration and guided activities. Our approach is guided by three core principles that underpin Bush Farm: ~ Connection to our local environment Through improving access to nature-based education; facilitating place-based experiential play; using our localised Bush Farm curriculum; ~ Experiences that enhance hauora | well-being Through processes that encourage being fully present and engaged; using the head, heart and hand; supporting mindfulness techniques and sensory activities; using mentors who walk alongside ākonga.~ Contribution to a sustainable futureThrough building capacity, knowledge and skills; through guided learning cycles; connection with Ngāi Tahu, crafters, scientists, innovators, and whānau; understanding of the unique kaitiaki role of Ngāi Tahu whānui across Waitaha Canterbury.