Co-founder and President at Education Data Solutions - Chicago, Illinois, United States
Linking student achievement to teacher instruction is a complex and often trying task. Developing a model for using student data that is reliable and valid is imperative for achieving this task. At Education Data Solutions we have crafted a system that prepares data for human analysis in a way that most districts cannot conjure up themselves. EDS computes student growth as a comparison to the individual as well as to the local peer group providing a more stringent standard for growth than the typical pre to post test model. In addition, EDS organizes the mass of data that districts house in a manner that allows individual users from the superintendent of schools to a classroom teacher to see the impact their instruction has on student growth.We look forward to partnering with you at Education Data Solutions to support you in monitoring student growth, meeting requirements of PERA, and moving your district forward in using data to make decisions for students.