We specialize in hand crafted ales, quality food and a great family atmosphere. To show we care about our customers, we offer vegetarian and gluten free food alternatives. To show we care about the earth, we buy wind energy to off set our Carbon Footprint. All of our plastic bags, ramikens, straws and to-go boxes are bio-degradable. We also cotinue to be as all natural and organic as we can. We are Zero Trans Fat.MickDuff's Brewing Co. was started by two brothers, Mickey and Duffy Mahoney, with a passion for craft beer and a dream of owning their own business. After writing the business plan and finding a town in North Idaho without a brewpub, the perfect location on historic First Avenue opened up. They relocated to Sandpoint, ID from Seattle, WA in the fall 2005 and spent 7 months remodeling the old Whistle Stop location. The grand opening party for friends and family was on St Patty's Day 2006. The official opening of MickDuff's Brewing Co. is March 24, 2006.