Our Clinic has been serving the Saanich Peninsula and the communities of Saanichton, Brentwood Bay and Sidney for over 35 years. Weâve seen a significant evolution in our profession during this time and are continuously innovating our treatment approach.. We provide the most up to date research based treatments to keep you moving. Here is a little more about what we do: Physiotherapy or Physical Therapy as treatment is a recognized and effective solution for musculoskeletal problems. Physiotherapists are primary health care professionals with a significant role in health promotion and treatment of injury and disease. They combine their in-depth knowledge of the body and how it works with specialized hands-on clinical skills to assess, diagnose and treat symptoms of illness, injury or disability. Your physiotherapist will conduct a thorough consultation including the history of your problem, and a detailed examination. Assessment may include tests of muscle flexibility, strength, joint movement and other special tests which are all provided at our clinic. Our Physiotherapists are trained in the treatment of post-operative orthopedic procedures, fractures, acute sports injuries, arthritis, sprains, strains, back and neck pain, spinal conditions, and amputations. Joint and spine mobilization/manipulation, ultrasound, therapeutic exercise, neuromuscular re-education, hot/cold packs, and electrical stimulation are modalities often used to expedite recovery in the orthopedic setting. Those who have suffered injury or disease affecting the muscles, joints, bones, ligaments, or tendons will benefit from assessment by our Physiotherapists. Once a problem has been identified, we will discuss and implement a physiotherapy treatment plan specific to your needs. We will also teach you how to help yourself get better and stay better.