Grow a successful thriving medical practice by generating a steady flow of patient appointment at Driving Force Company - Chicago, IL, US
Grow a successful thriving medical practice by generating a steady flow of patient appointments
Here is how we get you more appointments1. Patient ReactivationAs a practice owner you know that more appointments means more revenue for your practice and one of the most frequently overlooked sources of leads to get those new appointments for your practice is your list of inactive patients. Reactivating your dormant list of patients is the fastest way to kickstart your practice with more appointments and generate a steady source of revenue that you've already paid for and is easier to sell than new leads that you're getting from other lead sources.2. New Patient AcquisitionOur Live Agents Respond in Real Time to your Facebook leads for you. No one else does it this way because of just how much work it takes to do it the right way. Our staff becomes your staff, we respond using a live person to live conversations with your leads to get you the most appointments possible.3. Celebrity PositioningHow many doctors in your area are published authors? Let's think long-term practice growth like. Imagine being a published author with a new book launched to a national audience. What would that do for your local authority and credibility? Raise Your Fees By Becoming an Expert in your field and getting more publicity. Your goal is to make $1 million by giving your book away. Having people raise their hand and gaining instant credibility by attracting your ideal patient. 4. Empire BuildingImagine owning, operating and eventually cashing in on 5, 10 or 15 practices running and generating multi-generational wealth for you and your family. Building wealth starts with getting more appointments and improving your marketing and sales. Then you'll need a much higher level of strategy to create your own empire of practices for real wealth creation. With Driving Force University you gain access to real world experience and training delivered to you by an 8-figure master level strategist that has already done this, guiding you every step, through this university.